Online Friend Finding

Talk about the rage of the past few years, huh?

Whether you're looking for old bosses, old girlfriends, old parole officers (yikes) or anyone and everyone who came into your life, now is the best time to be looking for them online. The technology for specificity has become almost mind numbing with its precision.

Imagine this online friend finding venture as being YOUR WAY of being able to jump back into your college yearbook...or to reinsert yourself into your grammar school photos, or "stand" next to your brother in law again from your wedding pictures. (Look at that hair on you!) - Have fun, meet people & find love.

Online friend finding can turn into a "Where's Waldo" of sorts. You could be bored one day and start wondering where the guys from your first office job ever ended up. Guessing at the states in which you still live, you could really start the search and have a very real chance of getting back in touch with them!

The reality of life is that we have a series of people who come into ours in very different times and at very different degrees of importance. 90% of the time, besides our family, we lose touch.

Gone are the people who made us laugh like lunatics during coffee breaks. Or the people who had the best stories in the carpool where we had our first house.

But they no longer have to stay gone. They no longer need to sit in the shadows.

Online friend finding is an absolute well it should be.

Opening up the greatness of the past is a wonderfully cathartic experience. Which is incredibly ironic when you consider how cold and impersonal a place the web really is for so many of the people who use it every day.


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